Monday, 8 September 2014

Week 7 - Productivity tips

Week 7!!!

Well done, it’s the end of week 7 and you have made it this far! Take a moment to congratulate yourself at this point. Remind yourself of your hard work and your achievements so far and remember to give yourself praise for your efforts. Well deserved.

But….even though you may not have classes over the next 2 weeks there is still study to be done and this is a great time to get the next round of assignments in order and organise yourself for the rest of semester…..


Yeah, right….how?
Motivation is easy to lose…so remind yourself where your motivation came from. Getting back in touch with it reminds us of what we are working toward. Talk it over with family, friends, other students, your boss, or even MySupport.
Reduce stress. Try relaxing whilst studying. A couple of deep breaths and saying stop to those anxious worrying thoughts can make a difference, maybe go for a walk and come back to help rejuvenate your forward momentum.
Avoid perfectionism. I am not sure if there is a perfect student out there. Remind yourself of realistic goals and schedules. Remember that you can only do your very best….setting sights beyond what you are capable of is always going to decrease motivation when you cannot maintain it so get out of your own way and turn yourself into your own friend.

Now that we have found that motivation again we can use this study break for some productivity (and reward ourselves with a few Easter eggs at the end of it)

Productivity Tips:

Establish a realistic schedule:
Do a realistic assessment of your time management. Have you dedicated enough time to each subject and not just the one you are most interested in or winning the distinctions in?
Are you balancing work and study life? Maybe you need to request some time off work around major assessments or exam time. You can also use this time to demonstrate your best inner Master Chef. Think of some healthy meal options and prepare them ahead of time. Pop in the freezer for when you do not have time to cook.
Are you more focussed on the other fun aspects of your life rather than study? Sometimes we just cannot get to every party on the weekend or the Sunday paper may just have to take second place to the textbook. Reconsider pulling out the bleach and mop each time study looms and leave the house untidy. Develop and stick to a schedule that fits around your study commitments, prioritising your study. 
Create regular breaks and rewards
If everything seems too big and overwhelming to deal with, break each subject into small manageable tasks. Try writing a checklist of what you want to achieve each week. Take a break in between each task, like going outside for 5 minutes. Reward yourself with a rest or something enjoyable if you finish all of your weekly tasks early! Limit your social engagements until you have finished your weekly tasks, this will keep you from getting sidetracked and also be a great reward for finishing your work. Doing something you enjoy after you have achieved reinforces the benefits of your study commitments.

Remember to contact mySupport to talk to your Student Experience Officer if you are feeling overwhelmed – phone 49217494 or email!

Happy break!

Kind Regards,

mySupport Team

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